Wednesday 16 December 2009

Note to self: If it isn't blogged, it didn't really happen.

I had got so good at updating this thing? What happened?! A whole month... all completely undocumented. I'm home from Berlin now and eeeeverything.

Hey ho. I am shit at blogging... what can you do?

Maybe now I'm home for the festive season, I'll become awesome at blogging. In fact, it could be my new year's resolution... yes, yes. I have just now decided. In 2010, I resolve to blog.

In a bid to get in touch with my narcissistic 'this is my point of view - you should read it - it is important' side, I think I am going to work on a Top 10 things to do/places to go in Berlin. That should be documented right? Guide books are just so.... blah.